Terms of Services

Web, App & Digital Marketing Solutions

Abhipole – Services Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Abhipole Business Services! We are delighted to provide you with our exceptional Website Designing, Social Media Handling, Digital Marketing, and Application Development services. Before we begin our collaboration, please take a moment to read through our terms and conditions outlined below:

  1. General Agreement :- By engaging with Abhipole Business Services for any of our services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, which constitute the contract between you and Abhipole.
  1. Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality :- We respect the confidentiality of your business information. Abhipole Business Services, along with any subcontractors or re-sellers involved, commits to not disclosing your confidential information to any third party at any time.
  1. Fees and Deposits :- To initiate the website design and development work, a 50% deposit of the total fee is required upon your approval. The remaining 50% shall be due upon completion of the project to your reasonable satisfaction. Please note that the 50% deposit is non-refundable, as it covers the booking of domain and hosting on your behalf.
  1. Revisions and Variations :- We value your input and provide the opportunity for revisions to the design. However, additional charges may apply for significant deviations from the original design specification. During the website development phase, minor variations from the initial specification are accommodated. Hosting limitations may apply, and we do not offer pro-rated refunds once the site is hosted and operational.
  1. Project Delays and Client Liability :- Timely co-operation, feedback, and content provision are crucial to the smooth progress of the project. We request that you appoint a single point of contact available daily to facilitate efficient communication.
  1. Approval of Work: -completion of the project, you will have the opportunity to review it. Please notify us of any unsatisfactory points within 3 days of notification. Work not reported as unsatisfactory within this review period will be considered approved, and the contract will be deemed completed with the 80% balance becoming due.
  1. Rejected Work :- If you reject any work within the review period or unreasonably disapprove subsequent corrections, we may consider the contract terminated and pursue payment for the completed work.
  1. Payment :- Following the 3-day review period, we will invoice you for the remaining 80% balance of the project.
  1. Licensing :- Upon full payment, you will be granted a license to use the website, its software, and contents for the duration of the website’s life, provided regular subscription renewal is done before the term expires.
  1. Disclaimer :- We strive to deliver top-quality services, but to the extent permitted by law, we exclude all other warranties and liabilities. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from delays or performance issues beyond our control.
  1. Cross-Browser Compatibility :- We ensure compatibility with current, well-supported browsers. Incompatibilities with third-party extensions will be addressed on a best effort basis.
  1. Supply of Materials (Content) :- You are responsible for supplying all necessary materials, including copyrighted content, required to complete the work. Delays in material provision may lead to extending agreed deadlines. Please ensure that all provided content adheres to copyright laws.
  1. Search Engines :- We do not guarantee specific search engine rankings; however, we follow best practices for basic search engine optimization.
  1. Consequential Loss :- We shall not be liable for any loss or damage attributable to delays in our contract’s performance or completion.
  1. Subcontracting :- We reserve the right to subcontract any services agreed upon as we see fit.
  1. Additional Expenses :- You agree to reimburse us for expenses not included in our proposal, such as templates, third-party software, stock photographs, fonts, domain registration, and web hosting.
  1. Backups :- You are responsible for maintaining your website backups. We are not liable for restoring client data or websites, except in cases of our negligent acts.
  1. Business & E-commerce Compliance :- Ensure compliance with e-commerce laws, and we will be held harmless from any claims arising from your use of Internet electronic commerce.
  1. Ownership of Domain Names and Web Hosting (Files) :- We book the domain name on your behalf, and you can transfer it anytime you wish. Our transfer process is automated, fast, and risk-free, provided there are no outstanding dues.
  1. Policy Updates :- Abhipole Business Services reserves the right to revise these terms and conditions at any time. Continued use of our services following an update constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.

Thank you for choosing Abhipole Business Services. We look forward to delivering exceptional solutions to help your business thrive!